Saturday, November 20, 2010

Yes, I write poems.

My 'Ana' Voice

An unwelcome voice now crowds my head,
Crying out, begging not to be fed.
She gets strength from my hunger pains,
My emptiness is now her's to gain.

Taking control and always telling me what to do,
She says, "You don't deserve to eat. You know it's true."
I try to rebel, but her voice only gets louder.
She tells me when I'm thin, then she'll be prouder.

"Put down that fork. Step away from the plate,"
Her voice will forever echo because my body, she hates.
I step on the scale hoping to escape my fate,
But her grip is so tight, I can tell it's too late.

I find some comfort in bottles of pills.
Swallowing them everyday, trying to give in to her will.
Two to take away the hunger, Three to dull the pain,
Four to help me sleep at night and escape her endless blame.

Her name is Ana, she lives in my head.
Overflowing my life with a constant feeling of dread.
Though our relationship has had it's ups and downs,
She's making me thin, so I'll keep her around.

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