Saturday, November 20, 2010

First Posttttttt!

Hey guys! This is my first blog post. I'm not super awesome at writing, but I love sharing my thoughts and ideas with anyone who cares enough to read it! I made this blog specifically to post about my daily struggle to find happiness in my body. I hate my body more than anything. I spend my days worrying about how many calories are in what I'm about to eat, or if anyone will catch onto how many times I go to the bathroom during a meal. I've been trying hard to change my size for so long. I started out this school year (August) at 147 and now I'm at 137.4. Ten poundsssssss. Woooo! I couldn't do it all with out the support from my Ana buddy, Morgan. Love her to pieces and she's right there with me everyday. Well I think this is it for this post. I'm sure I'll blog again soon. (:


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